Single Cell DNA Sequencing

Single Cell DNA Sequencing

With single-cell DNA sequencing, the genomic heterogeneity of cell populations can be explored at the level of the individual cell. Genetic changes, such as point mutations and copy number variation occurring during disease and normal development processes, are profiled using the minute amounts of DNA from single cells. Applications include analysis of genetic heterogeneity within unicellular and multicellular organisms, detection of chromosomal anomalies in germ line cells, preimplantation genomic screening of embryos, and defining the genetic composition of tumors for developing more targeted therapies.

We offer the highest quality single cell sequencing services including DNA amplification, library construction, sequencing and bioinformatics analysis using our unique technologies.  We use a method has high fidelity amplification, thus, avoid artifact caused by cytosine deamination (mostly C - > T).  It reduces error rate to ~ 200 false SNVs per single cell from > 20,000 false SNVs per single cell from most commonly used kit, and enables the discovery of accurate somatic single nucleotide variations (SNVs) in single cells.

Sequencing Strategy

  • DNA amplification using a method allows yielding ~3ug DNA from a single cell for sequencing.
  • 350 bp insert DNA library
  • HiSeq platform, paired-end 150 bp

Data Quality Guarantee: Q30 ≥ 80%

Sample Requirements • We accept fresh single cells and laser captured single cells from FFPE slides. • Single CTC cell may be dissected using NanoVelcro-LCM technology. • Sorted single cells should be stored in 1 x PBS buffer in a total volume of ≤ 2 µL. Turnaround Time • Amplification: within 12 working days from verification of sample quality • Library preparation and sequencing: within 26 working days • Data analysis: 8 working days Recommended Sequencing Depth • For normal sample: effective sequencing depth of 30X • For tumor sample: effective sequencing depth of 50X